Mumuye Sukuru shoulder mask

3 600 

The Mumuye shoulder mask, flanked by a head topped with a crest, and having ample ears, so-called shoulder mask, is designed in an arch, with the long neck decorated beads, glossy dark brown patina. Presence of erosions, gaps and cracks. Mid XX°.

Originating from the north-west region of middle Benoué, Nigeria, from the Kona Jukun, to the Mumuye and up to Wurkum populations are distinguished by a relative absence of ornamentation and a refined stylization. This statue not only allowed to call the rain but also played an apotropaic and divinatory role.

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Ethnic Mumuye
Country Nigeria
Materials wood, beads
Height 110 cm
Weight 9.0 kg

Additional information

Weight 9 kg
Dimensions 110 cm
Ethnic group



Beads, Wood