Tshokwe mask

1 300 

Among the many African masks Akishi – indicating power – of African tribal art Tshokwe, this powerful male of the Mwana Pwo mask is used by initiates.
Engraved patterns are part of the Tshokwe aesthetic cannons but also served as a public marker of ethnic identity. This recurring cruciform motif would also have a cosmogonic meaning. Always worn by dancers of royal bloodline, this mask embodies a spirit symbolizes power and wealth. It also intervenes in judgments.
Polychrome patina, abrasions. Mid XX°.

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Ethnic Tshokwe
Country Angola
Materials wood, pigments, bamboo
Height 63 cm
Width 33 cm
Weight 2.6 kg

Additional information

Weight 2,6 kg
Dimensions 33 × 63 cm
Ethnic group



Pigments, Wood